Discover new strength and flexibility with world-champion kickboxer Farinaz Lari. These all-levels classes range from just 5 to 25 minutes so that you can easily fit a practice into your day. Whether you're relearning the fundamentals or exploring kickboxing for the first time, these classes are for you! Find foundational techniques like the jab and cross, combinations and footwork, and strength and conditioning workouts like MuayFit guaranteed to get you feeling more confident in your body.
Some suggested equipment used but not necessary.
Learn Front Kick with Farinaz (2 Mins)
To throw out a Lead Front Kick, come up onto the ball of your rear leg in your kickboxing stance. Bring your lead leg knee up into your chest before pumping your lead leg straight out in front of you. Keep your toes straight up, striking out with the ball of your foot rather than your toes. Use y...
Learn Middle Kick with Farinaz (2 Mins)
A Middle Kick is delivered swiftly and powerfully to your opponent’s ribs. For a Rear Middle Kick, go up on the ball of your lead foot and transfer your body weight forward. Turn your lead foot out to a 45 degree angle to allow for a big rotation. Throw out your rear leg in a firm kick towards yo...
Learn the Mindset of Discipline with Champion Kickboxer Farinaz (2 Mins)
World Champion Kickboxer, Farinaz Lari encourages you to tap into your inner champion, build discipline, and increase your confidence.
On the Offense Practice with Farinaz Lari
Learn Uppercuts and Middle Kicks and put some time in practicing the Straight Punch, Knee Strikes, and Front Kicks. Finish up with strong kickboxing attack combinations and a slow Cool Down to take advantage of the work you’ve put in today! This Kickboxing Foundations with Farinaz Lari practice e...
Round One Practice with Farinaz | Short All-levels Kickboxing Class (13 Mins)
In this practice, Farinaz starts by teaching Straight Punches and Hooks before leading into powerful Knee Strikes, Front Kicks, and Low Kicks. Gain confidence with your boxing stance and get ready to incorporate new movements into kickboxing combinations. This practice combines foundational kickb...
How to Get the Most out of the Kickboxing Foundations with Farinaz Lari
Farinaz introduces you to her program, Kickboxing Foundations, where to start, what you can expect, and encourages you to get started.
The Champion Practice with Farinaz | Intermediate Kickboxing Class (13 Mins)
Go all out in the final round with world-champion Farinaz Lari to put together your foundational kickboxing strikes: the Straight Punch, Uppercut, Knee Strike, and Front Kick. Last but not least, learn the Superman Punch. Embrace your inner superhero and don’t be afraid to put your full force beh...
A Killer Stance Practice with Farinaz | Beginner Kickboxing Class (13 Mins)
Find your stance and rhythm before learning the fundamental strikes: the Jab, Cross, Knee Strike, and Front Kick. Once you’re confident with these movements, explore powerful new combinations in between targeted conditioning exercises. A Killer Stance includes rounds of the following conditioning...
Learn Modifications of Kickboxing Foundations with Farinaz (1 min)
Farinaz addresses some common mistakes of Kickboxing Foundations, guiding you on the importance of modifying to help you tailor your training to what your body needs, and giving yourself time and practice to progress.
Evenings with Farinaz | Conditioning & Core Strength Class (5 Mins)
Farinaz takes you through a conditioning practice to finish your day with a sense of accomplishment, leading you through Sumo Squats, Plank Pikes, and Russian V Sits.
MuayFit with Farinaz | Full Body Strength & Conditioning Class (24 Mins)
Farinaz developed MuayFit to make you feel strong, confident, and athletic. This class will challenge your conditioning and build your full body strength with timed repetitions. Before each round, Farinaz will take you through the movements and provide modifications for all levels. It’s okay if y...
Express Warm Up with Farinaz | Short Cardio Class (4 Mins)
Incorporating dynamic conditioning moves prepares your body for the upcoming workout and reduces the likelihood of injury. This class will include several flexibility-based movements to activate various muscle groups, engage your joints, and begin opening up your range of motion for Practice. Giv...
Learn Squat and Knee with Farinaz (1 Min)
Start by standing with your feet hip width apart before pulling down into a squat, sending your hips back. Your knees should remain aligned above your ankles. Keep your fists engaged in a kickboxing guard position. Stabilize in your squat, not lowering below 90 degrees, then return to standing wi...
Learn Skipping with Farinaz (2 Mins)
In kickboxing, Skipping is the most common way to get warm and prepare your body to move. A Skipping sequence will increase your coordination, footwork, and endurance. Good form is essential to get the most out of this exercise!
Learn Lunge & Knee with Farinaz (2 Mins)
The Lunge and Knee will build strength in your legs and increase your ability to strike high and hard. From standing, step one leg back into a low lunge. Keep your lead knee stacked above your ankle, and your hands in guard position. Return to standing, then raise up on the ball of the same lead ...
Push Up and Reach
This move will simulate an effective kickboxing guard and powerful arm strikes. Start in a high plank position with your feet together or hip width apart. Keep your shoulders stacked above your hands, and begin to lower yourself with control to the bottom of your Push Up. Make sure you keep your ...
Learn Roundhouse Kick with Farinaz (2 Mins)
Starting from your stance, start with your Rear Roundhouse Kick. This form is similar to a Read Middle kick: go up on the ball of your lead foot, turning your lead leg outwards, then throw out your rear leg aiming for the head. Keep your weight shifted forward and use the full rotation of your hi...
Conditioning for Kickboxing with Farinaz | Functional Stretch Class (3 Mins)
Incorporating a functional conditioning practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. Relax your body into a slow rhythm of shadow boxing before stretching out with a few static stretches: Knee to Chest, S...
Introduction to Core
Core strength is fundamental to developing a kickboxing practice, grounding each technique with strength and control. Practicing these core exercises will also increase your ability to connect complex combinations and flow through movements smoothly and effectively. A strong core is essential for...
Learn Superman Punch with Farinaz (2 Mins)
Get ready to throw a bold Superman Punch by settling into your kickboxing stance. From here, you’ll start by preparing your body for a Front Kick - this fake is key to distract your opponent and hide the upcoming strike. As you pull your rear leg back in a forceful kick, skip up and forward on yo...
Russian Twists
Sit with your back straight, knees bent towards your chest. From here, lean back slightly, engaging your core. Bring your legs together and lift your feet off the floor. Your hands should be together in front of your stomach, sticking your elbows out to the side. Now, twist with control from one ...
Jack Knives
Start by laying on your back, legs straight out in front of you, guard up, and core engaged. Lift your upper body off the floor, at the same time raising your legs; your goal is a V shaped form. When you’re ready, punch out with both arms towards your toes. Release to your starting position, keep...
Sit Up and Punch
Lay on your back with your feet planted on the floor, knees bent. Keeping your core tight and back straight, sit up to a 45 degree angle; coming up too high or too low will disengage your muscles before adding the punch. Throw out a Jab and Cross combination at the top of your Sit Up, remembering...
Introduction to Conditioning
Adding a conditioning routine to your kickboxing practice will increase your strength and endurance in major muscle groups across your body. These moves also improve your ability to maintain posture and balance. The conditioning exercises in Kickboxing Foundations with Farinaz Lari mimic actual t...