

Step into the ring and discover new confidence, strength, and athleticism with boxing teachers Rob Couzens and Leo Sammarelli! These all-levels classes range from 5 to 40 minutes so that you can easily fit a practice into your day. Whether you're returning to the sport, relearning the fundamentals, or discovering boxing for the first time, this collection is for you! Learn foundational techniques like the jab and cross, combinations and footwork, and strength, flexibility, and conditioning exercises to get your feeling more confident in your body, guaranteed.

Some suggested equipment used but not necessary.

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  • Up & Under with Rob | Cardio Boxing Class (22 Mins)

    This one’s all about the Uppercut! Activate your full body and strengthen your core with high-intensity intervals matched to support your boxing practice. This core work will challenge large muscle groups and energize your full body, providing the fuel for strong and intentional Uppercut combinat...

  • Warm Up with Rob | Energizing Cardio Boxing Class (4 Mins)

    Incorporating a dynamic Warm Up prepares your body for the upcoming workout and reduces the likelihood of injury. Our Warm Up will include Hip Rotations, boxing punches, and a calisthenic routine to engage various muscle groups and begin opening your range of motion. Give yourself space to make p...

  • Cool Down with Rob Couzens

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. This full-body Cool Down will include skipping, boxing drills, and a deep breathing exercise to loosen up large muscle groups, gradua...

  • Middays with Rob | Chair Strength & Cardio-Based Boxing Class (5 Mins)

    Rob takes you through a quick practice working on skill, mobility, and cardio, all from your chair. This practice includes variations on cat/cow, twists, forward folds, and shadow boxing.

  • Around the Guard Practice with Rob | Boxing & Conditioning Class (13 Mins)

    Explore and challenge your athleticism between conditioning drills and engaging boxing combinations. These powerful sequences will develop coordination and strength in your boxing practice and improve your performance in everyday movements. Around the Guard introduces the Hook and teaches the fol...

  • Stick It Practice with Rob | Beginner Boxing Class (13 Mins)

    In this Practice, Rob will guide you through a series of Core conditioning rounds and Jab combinations. Whether this is your first time throwing a punch or you’re rediscovering combat sports, challenge yourself to focus on quality and control with each drill, narrowing in on form during dynamic b...

  • Power Punch Practice with Rob | Beginner-friendly Boxing Class (13 Mins)

    Power Punch with Rob will focus on introducing the Cross and building strength and endurance in your boxing practice. Move between intervals of core strengthening exercises and powerful Cross combinations. Finish off with intention in a low impact Cool Down to take advantage of the work you’ve pu...

  • Learn Uppercut with Rob (3 Mins)

    The Uppercut is a quick and powerful upward punch, delivered to the opponent's chin or stomach. Starting with your Lead Uppercut, also known as your “5,” lean slightly towards your non-dominant side and bend down into the knees, ready to spring up quickly. Using your legs for power, come up and l...

  • Learn the Mindset of a Boxer to Move Through Challenges in Your Life (3 Mins)

    Team Canada boxer Rob Couzens examines the mindset that has helped him become a champion to help you develop your mental toughness both in your practice and in your everyday life.

  • Up and Under Practice with Rob | Core-focused Boxing Class (13 Mins)

    This one’s all about the Uppercut! Activate your full body and strengthen your core with high intensity intervals matched to support your boxing practice. This core work will challenge large muscle groups and energize your full body, providing the fuel for strong and intentional Hook combinations...

  • NEW | Learn How to Train like a Boxer with Rob | Conditioning Workshop (4 Mins)

    Rob educates you on the importance of conditioning for a boxer and why he has chosen to include the specific conditioning movements in his Boxing Foundations program. Knowing why you are moving in a certain way will give you confidence and purpose to continue working on these fundamental techniques.

  • Physical Education with Rob Couzens | Interview Series (9 Mins)

    Rob Couzens coaches professional basketball coach and community activist Ivan Yaco through his first ever boxing experience. Rob & Ivan find common ground in their youth work and the importance of visualization in goal setting.

  • Knee to Elbow

    Start standing, feet with your feet hip width apart and hands on the side of your head. Link your fingers behind your head for stability. Bring one knee up to your chest as you twist your body down, then bring your opposite elbow to meet it. Return to starting position. Repeat the same motion, br...

  • Learn Skipping with Rob (2 Mins)

    Grip your hands on the handles close to the rope for control, hopping all your weight on one foot. The opposite heel will raise as you touch the ground with your toes. Then, repeat the same motion, shifting your weight to the opposite foot. Hop from side to side and find a rhythm. Begin using you...

  • Footwork with Rob | Learn Basic Boxing Footwork (3 Mins)

    In boxing, staying in a solid stance is crucial to your performance; crossing your feet can compromise your balance. No matter which direction you move, the same rules apply: Push, step, drag. Starting in stance, start by moving forward. Push off your rear leg to step forward with your leading fo...

  • Introduction to Jumping

    Adding powerful Jumping movements and exercises to your boxing routine will add explosive strength, conditioning, and endurance to your practice in and out of the ring.

  • Introduction to Core

    Explosive power from your legs and hips requires a strong core to stabilize boxing punches and techniques. A strong core will act as a second line of defense to your guard position, and increase performance in your daily movements outside of boxing.

  • Jumping Jack

    Start standing with your feet together. Jump outward with both feet, landing softly with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. As you hop out, swing your hands out to raise your arms above your head. Lower your arms smoothly to your side as you hop your feet back in to reset. Continue th...

  • Power Breathing with Rob | Dynamic Breath & Conditioning Class (4 Mins)

    These fundamental breathing techniques will prepare your body for a well-rounded practice. Integrating these elements into each movement will allow you to flow through each movement, performing each strike and combination with ease, strength, and confidence.

  • Starfish

    The Starfish is an explosive and big Jumping exercise. From standing, crouch into a small ball with your chest to your knees, and arms wrapped around your shin in front. From here, spring out and jump upwards, opening your arms and legs wide at the top of your jump. As you come down, bring your a...

  • Jump Squat

    Start from standing, feet hip width apart. Pull down into a squat, shifting your hips out, keeping your back straight, and opening the chest up. Add weight to your heels rather than forward on your toes. Stay balanced, then spring into a jump. Land with your feet together, then hop back to should...

  • Learn Side Punch Outs with Rob (1 Min)

    Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart, hands in guard position. Keep your chin down and elbows tucked in. Your right hand punch will reach to the left side, and your left hand punch will extend to the right. Rotate your hips as you punch to the side, flicking up your heel as yo...

  • Hip Rotations

    Start standing with your feet just over shoulder width apart, locking your knees and placing your hands on your hips. Move your upper body from left to right in this position. To begin your Hip Rotation, move your hips to the left, bending forward at the waist and keeping your back straight. Swiv...

  • Learn Hook with Rob (3 Mins)

    A good Hook can surprise your opponent with a strong hit from the side, around their guard. For your lead hook, also known as your “3”, from stance, begin as if throwing a Jab straight out with your non-dominant hand and pausing halfway. From here, punch sharply inwards to hook, keeping your elbo...