Learn Uppercut with Rob (3 Mins)
3m 13s
The Uppercut is a quick and powerful upward punch, delivered to the opponent's chin or stomach. Starting with your Lead Uppercut, also known as your “5,” lean slightly towards your non-dominant side and bend down into the knees, ready to spring up quickly. Using your legs for power, come up and lower your lead hand from its Guard position and release your shot upwards towards the chin of your opponent. Return immediately to your Guard. With every Uppercut, the strength of the punch should come from from your legs, through your hips, then into the fist. Repeat the same motion to deliver an Uppercut to the body, leaning to your non-dominant side, dipping into your knees for power, then springing up to release your lead fist into your opponent’s abdomen. A Rear Uppercut, also called the “6,” uses the same punching mechanics on the opposite side. Practice a Rear Uppercut to the chin, then to the body. As soon as you land the hit, bring your fists back to Guard position.
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