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7 Seasons

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  • Seated Twist with Kate | Hip Opening Restorative Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    Episode 1

    Seated Twist is a rejuvenating and restorative floor sequence. You will flow through poses to open your hips and upper chest to prepare you for Seated Twist. Let your breath lead your practice and find release in restoring yourself today. This is episode 206 of Namaste Yoga.

  • Extended Leg Balancing with Kate | Balance-focused Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    Episode 2

    In this class, Kate guides you through a series of strengthening and stabilizing poses to connect you to yourself and help you find balance. You will move through the dynamic and challenging transition of extended leg pose to warrior pose. This requires core strength, intentional breath, and your...

  • Swan with Kate | Hip Opening Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    Episode 3

    This class is about moving between strength and softness. Kate incorporates variations on Swan Pose, a deep hip opener, that will leave you feeling open and grounded. This class is Episode 208 of our Namaste Yoga series.

  • Episode 209 - Third Eye

    Episode 4

    Third Eye sequence is a study of control and steadiness.

  • Episode 210 - Heart Mind

    Episode 5

    Heart Mind sequence will test shoulder and leg flexibility while improving core strength.

  • Lord of the Fishes with Kate | Full Body Yoga Class (25 Mins)

    Episode 6

    Kate guides you through this creative and flowing Lord of the Fishes sequence. This class uses rolling, circular movements fueled by your breath to lengthen and open your spine, shoulders, and hips. Some of these poses might be new or challenging for you, you can always take time to pause the vid...

  • Dove with Kate | Power Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    Episode 7

    Using balances, twists, and side bends, the Dove sequence elongates your spine and strengthens your core while increasing flexibility in your back and hips. Connect to your sense of power with today's peak pose, crane balance, and let Kate guide you to transition gracefully from this arm balance ...

  • Episode 213 - Dancing Shiva

    Episode 8

    Dancing Shiva will test strength, balance and good humour.

  • Warrior Wisdom with Erica | Strength Building Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 9

    Warrior Wisdom creates a moment of presence that is attentive, aware, and complete. In this class, Erica guides you through a powerful and grounding sequence that focuses on building inner strength. You will flow through a series of warrior variations, balancing strength and grace. This is episod...

  • Align Your Axis with Erica | Spinal Alignment Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 10

    Awaken your whole body with this powerful sequence. This class will strengthen your core and open your hamstrings in preparation for challenging standing twists. Working with your full range of spinal movement will help you come back to your centre, and find alignment in your practice. This is E...

  • Soften the Edges with Erica | Core-strengthing Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 11

    This class encourages a sense of ease in both body and breath, while moving through a dynamic series of confident poses. Find strength and length as you flow through classic poses that will engage and strengthen your core. This class includes sunbird, modified side plank, eagle arms, extended sid...

  • Release and Restore with Erica | Calming Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 12

    Release and Restore is a sequence that brings you full circle through a series of poses that release tension in your spine and hips, creating space for reflection. You will move through spinal rolls, gentle cobra pose variations, spinal twists, and bridge pose. This class encourages you to access...

  • Create Your Calm with Erica | Grounding Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 13

    Erica invites you to cultivate a sense of peace and stability with the Create Your Calm sequence. You will strengthen your core and open your hips, hamstrings, and upper body. This class features creative transitions through gate, eagle, lizard, and locust pose amongst others. Always feel free t...

  • Episode 306 - Reflect and Connect

    Episode 14

    Reflect and Connect will engage your whole body with a series of poses that first calm and centre, and then awaken and inspire.

  • Balance and Bend with Erica | Balance-focused Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 15

    In this class, Erica guides you through movements that require grounding and fluidity. You will feel strength in mountain, chair, side angle, and warrior pose. These will prepare you to move through the challenging transition from extended leg to warrior and the graceful eagle pose. Stand tall a...

  • Trust in Flow with Erica | Balance-focused Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 16

    Join Erica for a fluid yoga class to practice your balance. You will flow between classical standing poses incorporating challenging variations from half half-moon pose to a lunge with eagle arms. This class asks you to trust the flow of the sequence, allowing your breath to move you, and know th...

  • Open and Ground with Erica | Strength-Building Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 17

    Develop a new sense of strength in your practice. Erica leads you through a series of core-strengthening poses, birddog, cobra, warrior varations, twisted lunge, and side plank. These prepare you to open your body and build towards a beautiful heart opener with camel pose. This blend of slow move...

  • Episode 310 - Stabilize and Center

    Episode 18

    Stabilize and Centre allows for the creation of a deeper connection with your core, as well as the present moment.

  • Prana Flow with Erica | Energizing Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 19

    Allow yourself to notice moments of stillness and transformation with every breath in this energizing yoga class. This sequence flows through a beautiful variation of the classical sun salutation. This prepares you to move into the challenging but graceful series of poses including standing bow,...

  • Grace and Gratitude with Erica | Core Strengthening Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 20

    A joyous and elegant sequence, Grace and Gratitude will build on your inner core strength. Erica leads you through a fluid class that transitions through Warrior III pose and builds to a strong boat pose sequence. Connect your breath to your core and appreciate the strength you are building by co...

  • Reconnect and Refine with Erica | Backbending Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 21

    The Reconnect and Refine class with Erica is an invigorating sequence that encourages you to find connection in the present moment. This class incorporates a series of deep backbends, including Camel and Locust Pose, which will open your front body and strengthen your core. This is Episode 313 of...

  • Strengthen & Surrender with Erica | Hip & Hamstring-focused Yoga Class (22 mins)

    Episode 22

    This moving meditation leads you through a series of postures that will strengthen the hips and hamstrings. Find balance between ease and effort while bringing a sense of curiosity to your experience of each posture. This class is Episode 401 of our Namaste Yoga series.

  • Episode 402 - Anahata Flow

    Episode 23

    A heart-centered practice, Anahata Flow allows the body to seek the freedom of the sky while unifying with the breath.

  • Recharge and Revitalize with Erica | Energizing Yoga Class (22 Mins)

    Episode 24

    Allow your breath to be bigger than the movements of your body in this invigorating sequence. You'll move through a dynamic series of yoga poses that will ground you in your strength, open your front body, hips, and back. This is episode 403 of Namaste Yoga.