

Explore functional strength movements in a complete, full-body workout to engage your muscles and your mind. (Suggested equipment: a pair of dumbbells, slam or medicine ball, looped resistance band.)

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  • How to Become Your Own Personal Trainer | Build Effective & Safe Workouts

    Keighty empowers you to become your own personal trainer, breaks down the terminology (what is a Tabata), and how to build out your own workouts like a pro. The goal is to build your confidence and understand what you need to accomplish your strength goals.

  • How to Work with Weights with Keighty | Choose & Handle Weights (5 Mins)

    Keighty guides you through using the weights in her program with confidence, helping you figure you what weight is appropriate for you today, decide what your strength goals are, what household items you can substitute, and how to handle your weight safely.

  • Core Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Improve Your Core Stability (6 Mins)

    In this 6-minute foundational workshop, learn how to improve your core stability with Adrian. You’ll learn about the structure and function of your core and how it affects how you move in the world, then practice the Bird Dog and Dead Bug exercises from the Strength Foundations program with Adria...

  • Learn Banded Deadbug with Adrian (2 Mins)

    Sitting on the ground, loop your resistance band around the top of your feet. Lay on your back and lift your knees to line up above your hips, bent at 90 degrees. Keep your feet flexed towards your shins and slightly apart to hold the band in place. Clasp your hands in front of your chest comfort...

  • Breath Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Optimize your Breathing (6 Mins)

    In this foundational 6-minute Breath Workshop, Adrian teaches how to optimize your breathing mechanics to improve your performance in daily activities. Starting with the diaphragm, your primary breathing muscle, Adrian guides you through a slow and intentional exercise to deepen and expand each i...

  • Triggerpoint Workshop with Adrian | Restorative Foam Rolling Class (10 Mins)

    Learn the basics of triggerpoint work with Adrian in this 10-minute workshop. Triggerpoint therapy helps to connect your body to your mind to improve stability and intention of daily movement, as well as hydrate soft tissue to improve your health, longevity, and recovery. In this workshop, Adrian...

  • Cool Down with Adrian | Functional Stretch Class (3 Mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. This full-body Cool Down will focus on flexibility movements and regenerative breath to loosen up large muscle groups, gradually rela...

  • Warm Up with Adrian | Functional Movement Class (4 Mins)

    Adrian's functional warm up class helps prepare your body to move well throughout your day or any upcoming workout. He begins by getting your heart rate up with running components before moving into three-dimensional stretching and a walk-out flow to engage and activate your body to move safely, ...

  • Strength Patterns Practice with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (13 Mins)

    Get ready to move with confidence and stability through four dynamic intervals, resting intentionally between each. Challenge yourself to focus on quality and control with each Agility and foundational strength exercise, allowing your body to move how it was meant to.

    This practice combines a ...

  • Physical Education with Adrian | Quick Functional Strength Class (13 Mins)

    This practice with Adrian combines four different areas of functional strength training with purposeful movement and breath. Find your focus and engage in a series of Lower body, Upper Body, and Core intervals, using your breath to fuel each movement. Finish off with intention during the regenera...

  • Powered On Practice with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (13 Mins)

    Go all out with this full body strength workout. This practice combines smooth and dynamic Agility drills with Lower Body, Upper Body, and Core focused movements. Powered On will build muscle groups across your entire body, but train your body to move with purpose and ease in your daily movements...

  • 3D Focus Practice with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (13 Mins)

    Connect to your body today in this dynamic strength practice! Activate muscle groups in every region of your body during this high intensity power practice and engaging intervals. These agility and strength exercises will challenge you to move with intention, energizing your muscles, joints, and ...

  • Evenings with Keighty | Full Body Strength Conditioning Class (6 Mins)

    Keighty leads you through a simple athletic strength and conditioning class. You will start with 10 reps of each move and work down to 2 reps of each move, this is a decreasing repetition drill. You will be working through three moves, Squat Kicks, Downward Dog Toe Touch, and V Sit Ups. This clas...

  • Learn Burpees with Keighty (2 Mins)

    This full body move consists of a squat, a plank, a push up, hop to squat, and when you’re down for it, a rocket jump! Start at the top of your mat, keeping your torso upright. Bend your knees down into a squat. Next, plant your hands on the ground as you step or hop back to plank. From this firm...

  • Cool Down with Keighty | Hips & Glutes Release Class (3 Mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. This full body Cool Down will focus on flexibility movements to loosen up large muscle groups, gradually relax, and slow your heart r...

  • Warm Up with Keighty | Short Functional Mobility Class (4 Mins)

    Incorporating a dynamic Warm Up prepares your body for the upcoming workout and reduces the likelihood of injury. Our Warm Up will include 4 Mobility-based movements for 1 minute each to engage various muscle groups and begin opening up the range of motion for Practice. Give yourself space to mak...

  • Get Strong with Keighty | Full Body Strength Class (13 Mins)

    Go all out with this full body strength workout. This practice combines quick, intense sets of Upper Body AMRAP and Lower Body combos with Compound and Plyometric movements. Get Strong will not only build muscle groups across your entire body, but also contribute to your joint health and longevit...

  • Get Balanced Practice with Keighty | Core & Back Strength Class

    This practice with Keighty will focus on bringing balance to your muscles and joints. Focus up and engage in a series of back exercises and lateral movements. This class is all about core and back stability, narrowing in on four sets of four movements: Fast Hands, Loaded Rows, Side Lunges, and th...

  • Get Stable Practice with Keighty Gallagher

    This one’s all about Lower Body work! Activate your legs and glutes with a high intensity AMRAP sequence before the strength and stability finisher. These Lower Body Foundations and Compound exercises will challenge and engage large muscle groups and energize your full body. Get Stable will lead ...

  • Express Get Sweaty with Keighty | Short Core-Focused HIIT Class

    In this practice, personal trainer Keighty Gallagher will guide you through a series of cardio-based core drills. Forget where you think you’re at in your athleticism and challenge yourself to focus on quality and control with each Foundation and Plyometric interval. This practice combines a Foun...

  • Express Athlete with Keighty | Quick HIIT Class (13 Mins)

    Explore and challenge your athleticism with Tabata and AMRAP intervals of Plyometric and Compound exercises, developing coordination and conditioning your entire body. The Athlete includes the following compound and plyometric exercises from the Learn component of Strength Foundations with Keight...

  • Learn 1 2 Jump with Adrian (2 Mins)

    Stagger your standing position, stepping one leg forward and shifting your weight to the ball of the foot. Follow with your opposite foot to match this step. As you finish this step forward, sink into your hips, bend your knees, and bring your arms down to your side. Leading with the arms, spring...

  • Banded Push Up

    Learning the Banded Push Up will help you gain confidence and improve your range of motion in a regular push up. After placing your band just above your elbows, make your way into a tall plank position, hands grounded below your shoulders. Your full back body should be engaged in a straight line ...

  • Banded Donkey Kick

    The Banded Donkey Kick will support your core work and help to identify and improve any hip imbalances. Before moving down to the ground on all fours, grab your band and place it around both legs at your knees. Once in position, anchor the band underneath your left knee and lower down to your for...