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Balanced Being with Erica | Arm-Balancing Yoga Class (22 Mins)

Yoga • 22m
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Ground with Kate | Weighted Restorati...

In this grounding practice, Kate will guide you through gentle and invigorating floor poses, using two weights to increase your core strength and alignment, and expand your balance. This slow and intentional sequence will focus on your back and core flexibility from the ground up. Return to the B...

Strength with Kate | Weighted Yoga Cl...

The Strength class with Kate begins with a simple Warm Up practice before moving into strong and balanced standing poses. In this class, you will move through traditional poses in a graceful and creative flow. Feel grounded in your standing position, warming up and opening up your full body, then...

Align with Kate | Weighted Yoga Class...

The Align practice blends strengthening and balancing poses to create stability throughout the body. This sequence creates equilibrium between both sides of your body, combining poses such as Forward Fold, Warrior One, Monkey, Hamstring Stretch, and Needle Pose, then recentering for a standing Br...