10-Minute Classes

10-Minute Classes

A playlist of classes that you can do in 10 minutes. Movements can be done with or without suggested equipment.

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10-Minute Classes
  • Express Warm Up with Farinaz | Short Cardio Class (4 Mins)

    Incorporating dynamic conditioning moves prepares your body for the upcoming workout and reduces the likelihood of injury. This class will include several flexibility-based movements to activate various muscle groups, engage your joints, and begin opening up your range of motion for Practice. Giv...

  • Conditioning for Kickboxing with Farinaz | Functional Stretch Class (3 Mins)

    Incorporating a functional conditioning practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. Relax your body into a slow rhythm of shadow boxing before stretching out with a few static stretches: Knee to Chest, S...

  • Warm Up with Rob | Energizing Cardio Boxing Class (4 Mins)

    Incorporating a dynamic Warm Up prepares your body for the upcoming workout and reduces the likelihood of injury. Our Warm Up will include Hip Rotations, boxing punches, and a calisthenic routine to engage various muscle groups and begin opening your range of motion. Give yourself space to make p...

  • Cool Down with Rob Couzens

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. This full-body Cool Down will include skipping, boxing drills, and a deep breathing exercise to loosen up large muscle groups, gradua...

  • Warm Up with Adrian | Functional Movement Class (4 Mins)

    Adrian's functional warm up class helps prepare your body to move well throughout your day or any upcoming workout. He begins by getting your heart rate up with running components before moving into three-dimensional stretching and a walk-out flow to engage and activate your body to move safely, ...

  • Cool Down with Adrian | Functional Stretch Class (3 Mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. This full-body Cool Down will focus on flexibility movements and regenerative breath to loosen up large muscle groups, gradually rela...

  • Weighted Warm Up with Kate | Weighted Yoga Class (5 Mins)

    Incorporating a Warm Up into your yoga practice prepares your body for the upcoming class and allows you to step onto your mat with ease and control. The Foundations of Weighted Yoga Warm Up includes well known poses such as Cat/Cow, Upward Facing Dog, Pigeon, Child’s Pose, Downward Facing Dog, a...

  • Weighted Cool Down with Kate | Restorative Yoga Class (5 Mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest following your movement practice. In this sequence, Kate guides you through restorative poses such as a Bridge, Reclined Butterfly, Reclined Hamstring, Supine Twist, and Savasana. Position your weights intentionally in ...

  • Athletic Movement Warm Up

    Incorporating a Warm Up prepares your body for a state of work and reduces the likelihood of injury. This dynamic 3-minute practice incorporates the Athlete’s Sun Salutation to warm up and activate your muscles.

  • Athletic Movement Cool Down

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice brings your body back into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury. This 5-minute full-body Cool Down incorporates some of the athletic movements you learned, along with lower-intensity exercises, and slows down the pace to help ease your body back ...

  • Creative Warm Up with Kate | Short Yoga Class (4 Mins)

    Get ready to move with a 4-minute sequence. You’ll use well known poses like Pigeon and Downward Dog to prepare for the newer movements created by Kate for this class. This brief Warm Up will bring your body the power it needs to move through the main sequence with ease and control.

  • Cool Down with Kate | Restorative Yoga Class 6 Mins)

    Unwind and transition back into daily life as you cool down. Kate guides you through Bridge, Savasana, and more in this short and restorative sequence.

  • Yoga for Bed with Kate | Restorative Yoga Class | Part 5

    In this final part of Yoga For Bed, Kate takes you through an intermediate 4-minute flow that opens up your whole body, using the support of your bed to provide support and grounding. This is Part 5 of a 5-part series but each episode is stand-alone.

    Necessary equipment: a bed.

  • Release | Center Splits Stretch Class (12 Mins)

    Maddi from Formation Studio guides you through a dancer's stretch routine to lead you into center splits, also known as middle or straddle splits. This is an all-levels routine designed to be repeated. The goal is not to be as flexible as Maddi, it is to work on your flexibility and challenge you...

  • Triggerpoint Workshop with Adrian (10 Mins)

    Learn the basics of triggerpoint work with Adrian in this 10-minute workshop. Triggerpoint therapy helps to connect your body to your mind to improve stability and intention of daily movement, as well as hydrate soft tissue to improve your health, longevity, and recovery. In this workshop, Adrian...

  • Freedom | Dance Basics | Learn How to Find the Beat (10 Mins)

    Hannah from Formation Studio guides you through an exercise on how to find the rhythm of a song. This exercise will help you understand what the beat is and how to catch it –– a foundation of dance. This video is a great place to start if you are a beginner to dance, or to revisit as you grow you...

  • Evenings with Leo | Restorative Adaptive Stretch Class (9 Mins)

    Leo designed this adaptive stretch class to restore and refresh you especially if you have been sitting all day. Move through a series of groin, hip, and shoulder stretches and restorative spinal mobility poses. Leo uses his wheelchair and a foam pad as props during the class, but the exercises c...

  • Earth & Water with Kate | Grounding Yoga Class (9 Mins)

    Follow Kate Potter through a yoga class that's great for your joints. Moving your energy up and out is the intention behind this grounding 9-minute sequence. Try it in the morning to prepare your body for what's ahead, or in the evening to let go of the day. This sequence is from the Five Element...

  • Evenings with Adrian | Restorative Foam Rolling Class (8 Mins)

    Wind down at the end of your day with this rejuvenating 8-minute movement practice with Adrian. This practice focuses on loosening and restoring your connective tissue and large muscle groups with trigger point exercises using a foam roller. Work through each movement from the lower body moving u...

  • Middays with Dom | Dynamic Athletic Conditioning Class (8 Mins)

    A midday break to get your flow on, Dom takes you through a full body workout incorporating hip circles, double lunges, inchworm push ups, prone trunk rotations, fire feet, and side plank. This class is all about finding your athletic form, an athlete moves with precision, and works on improving ...

  • Mornings with Adrian | Stretching, Proprioception & Coordination Class (6 Mins)

    Get your body warm and ready for the day with this 6 minute morning movement practice with Adrian. You’ll move through a sequence of stretches and exercises to wake up large muscle groups and joints and connect your mind to your body. Adrian will guide you through a lower leg stretch and an energ...

  • Zoom Stretches with Kate | Chair Yoga Class (6 Mins)

    This 5-minute practice with Kate Potter is designed to relieve and restore your body with movement between long periods of time seated and working at a computer. From your chair, using a weight or your fists, start by moving slowly through modified seated poses such as Cat-Cow, Warrior, Forward ...

  • Core Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Improve Your Core Stability (6 Mins)

    In this 6-minute foundational workshop, learn how to improve your core stability with Adrian. You’ll learn about the structure and function of your core and how it affects how you move in the world, then practice the Bird Dog and Dead Bug exercises from the Strength Foundations program with Adria...

  • Learn the Fundamentals of Strength Training with Keighty (6 Mins)

    Keighty takes you through the fundamentals of strength training. This workshop is designed to be beginner-friendly. Keighty breaks down isometrics, eccentric contractions, compound movements, and power training, and how to build them into your practice using just your bodyweight. You don't need a...