Classes by Dom Termansen

Classes by Dom Termansen

Dom Termansen is a former professional football player, elite athlete, and professional coach. Through his initiative, Launch Agency, he focuses on empowering the next generation of athletes through mentorship and education. Dom’s teaching will extend into all areas of your life and enhance your performance both mentally and physically. In each class you will be encouraged to tap into your inner athlete, learn the motivational power behind goal-setting, and move beyond what you thought you could do.

In his collection you’ll find in depth guides on specific movements, athletic mobility classes, HIIT practices, and much more. Expect to be pushed a little harder, jump a little higher, and rediscover your motivation for fitness as you move to Dom’s classes.

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Classes by Dom Termansen
  • Plank

    The Plank requires minimal movement to strengthen the core. In this foundation movement, you will start with hands and knees on ground in tabletop position, moving into plank position. Dom offers three simple modifications to make this position more challenging: squeezing the mat, bear crawl plan...

  • Plank Punch

    Plank Punches take the basic plank position and amp it up to a more athletic-based movement by adding upper body movement with alternating punches. The biggest challenge in this movement is to maintain equal hip level while punching. Remember that slower is better in this movement.

  • Climbers

    Climbers increase strength, flexibility and blood circulation. Starting again in low plank position, bring right knee to right elbow and then left knee to left elbow. Repeat the movement slowly until you feel comfortable and then speed it up.

  • Inch Worm Shuffle

    Standing with feet shoulder width apart, roll your hands to the floor, and with a tight core, move into high plank position. Walk your feet forward to match your hands. If you have the space, repeat the movement moving forward. If you don’t have a lot of space, you can shuffle through the movemen...

  • Bear Crawl Shuffle

    Come to a low squat position. From here, you will walk your hands to the ground in front of you, keeping your knees bent, chin and chest parallel to the floor. Now, crawl forwards across the ground, left leg with right arm and right arm with left leg. To do the Bear Crawl / Shuffle, move forwards...

  • Learn Spider Crawl Shuffle with Dom (2 Mins)

    Similar to the two shuffle movements that came before, the Spider Crawl Shuffle is all about moving in a forward and backward motion while switching up the way in which you shuffle. This is a great movement for stability and core strength.

  • Hip Bridge

    Start on your back with your feet on the ground shoulder width apart. Use glutes, hamstrings and calves to lift your hips towards the sky. Maintain a straight line from shoulders to knees and make sure to keep heel and toes glued to the floor. This movement works your glutes and core.

  • Single Leg Hip Bridge

    For the Single Leg Hip Bridge, start in the same position on your back but this time straighten and raise your right leg while moving through the hip bridge motion. Complete as many reps as you feel you can before switching to the left leg. You can continue to repeat on each side, paying special ...

  • Learn Hamstring Walkout with Dom (2 Mins)

    Start in the Hip Bridge position and begin by walking your legs all the way out to full extension and back again. It’s important not to go further than your body is comfortable with. You want to make sure that you can walk back in while keeping your stability.

  • Learn Static Lunge with Dom (2 Mins)

    The Static Lunge is simply lunging in place. Start with right foot two feet in front of the left. From here, drop slowly into your Lunge. When you’re in the Static Lunge position, both legs will be 90 degree angles. Move through this motion carefully, making sure that your upper body is straight ...

  • Side Lunge

    The Side Lunge switches up the direction by lunging to your side instead of forward. Start with your legs shoulder width apart. Your right foot is your lead foot. Step into your right side lunge with your right foot and step back to center. Concentrate your weight in the back of your glute. Focus...

  • Russian Deadlift

    The Russian Deadlift (RDL) focuses on balance. Start with feet shoulder width apart. Come up into runner’s stance right knee and left arm and then slowly kick your leg behind you. Continue to bend into the leg until you feel stretch in the hamstring. Keep your arms engaged but relaxed. Move slow ...

  • Learn Squat with Dom (1 Min)

    Maintain a rigid core while slowly dropping down into your squat. The key to this athletic movement is tempo - give yourself 3 seconds to get down into a squat position and 1 second to explode up to standing. Keep your core active and knees in a tight, controlled stance.

  • Learn Vertical Jump with Dom (1 Min)

    The Vertical Jump is a simple, controlled jump directly upwards while remaining in spot. You want to focus on three keys things: soft landings in a low hip position, quick transitions and going for max height. Don’t be afraid to really go for it.

  • Broad to Vertical Jump

    The Broad to Vertical Jump incorporates what you’ve already learned and adds a level of difficulty. To start, load through a quick transition to a low squat and propel yourself up and forward in front of you. Then immediately into a jump for height, turning in mid-air to land facing the other dir...

  • Semi Jump

    The Semi Jump is characterised by a jump without the load phase. It may feel a little strange at first. The tempo is 0-3-1. At the bottom, pause for 3 seconds and then jump for 1 second, and all the way down into squat again. Make sure to always land softly with knees bent.

  • Forward Lunge

    Get into position to fall into your Forward Lunge. Pause for 3 seconds in the lunge before exploding back up for 1. This movement is all about maintaining stability and control.

  • Split Jump

    The Split Jump takes elements from movements you’ve already learned and adds twist for increased difficulty. Start in a split stance - right foot two feet in front of the left. From here, bend your knees and fall into a low hip position. Jump as high as you can from the lunge position and return ...

  • Lateral Split Jump

    Draw an invisible line and stand to the right. Carry on the exact same movement as you did in the Alternating Split Jump, this time moving from left to right of the line. Try your best to be consistent in your landings and not to drift.

  • Alternating Split Jump

    The Alternating Split Jump takes what you just learned and adds in a switch of the legs in mid-air as you jump. Every rep you land in a new split stance. Land light on your feet and pay attention to the positioning of your feet each time. Your legs should always get to 90 degrees when landing in ...

  • Plyometric Push Up

    The Plyometric Push Up builds on the foundations of the push up and adds a level of difficulty. In this variation, both hands leave the ground on every rep, keeping a continuous tempo. This movement requires you to generate power from your chest and is great for core strength. Keep your core tigh...

  • Learn Burpee with Dom (1 Min)

    The Burpee is a full-body exercise that calls on just about every major muscle group. With every rep, you'll work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abs. This movement takes the push up and adds a jump, a hop, and a hand clap. Remember to stay tight and avoid flailing arms as you co...

  • PROGRAM GUIDE | Athletic Movement

    8.37 MB

    The Athletic Movement program guide was designed to give you a visual reference of each movement through high-quality photographs and descriptions that break down the benefits of each exercise. The guide also includes a customized training plan that is structured around taking you from relatively...

  • PROGRAM GUIDE | Athletic Movement with Dom Termansen

    15.1 MB

    The Athletic Movement program guide was designed to give you a visual reference of each movement through high-quality photographs and descriptions that break down the benefits, modifications, and common mistakes of each exercise. The guide also includes a customized training plan to help you deve...