Classes by Adrian Gaskin

Classes by Adrian Gaskin

Adrian Gaskin is an avid learner and teacher, striving for both excellence and simplicity in his movement practice. He is an experienced athlete and teacher of Triggerpoint Therapy, Anatomy Training, Progressive Bodyweight Training, and Pre & Post Natal Performance, combining his training and techniques to bring you intentional and purposeful classes to optimize the way you move through every day. For him, movement is a constant search for improvement and rediscovery of the basics; finding how the body is meant to move.

Adrian’s classes will act as a toolkit to help you build strength, focussing on movements that increase joint health and balance and helping you develop your confidence and move better. Approach his all-levels classes with an open mind, focussing on the quality and form of each movement and appreciating what your body can do.

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Classes by Adrian Gaskin
  • Meet Your Teacher | Adrian (1 Min)

    Adrian Gaskin is an avid learner and teacher, striving for both excellence and simplicity in his movement practice. For him, movement is a constant search for improvement and rediscovery of the basics; finding how the body is meant to move. Adrian grew up in New Zealand, climbing trees, biking in...

  • Your Turn with Johanna | Upper Body-Focused Mobility Class (12 Mins)

    Adrian guides you and Johanna through a functional mobility class to find freedom and ease in your upper body. You'll gently roll out your upper back before moving into a mobility exercise to lubricate the shoulders and find a deep release with an upper body stretch. Adrian also shows you a thera...

  • NEW | Essential Breath with Adrian | Restorative Breath Class (12 Mins)

    Lie down somewhere comfortable and join Adrian for a restorative breath class. These simple breathing exercises will create space in your upper body and regulate your nervous system. Adrian guides you through belly, lateral, tubular, and box breathing. Finish with a rejuvenating rest pose and so...

  • Functional Core with Adrian | Core-focused Class (10 Mins)

    Three moves, two rounds, one great core class! Adrian guides you through three functional core moves: leg lower, modified side plank, and shoulder taps. These light up your entire core and will make you feel strong, held, and ready to take on your day. If you're looking for a simple core routine ...

  • Move Better with Adrian | A Message For You (1 Min)

    Adrian shares why his classes are a toolkit to help you build strength and enjoy your life, no matter where you are in your fitness journey. His focus on simple and effective movements that increase joint health and balance will develop your confidence and help you move better. Start today and fe...

  • Moves for Longevity with Adrian | Functional Movement Class (25 Mins)

    Adrian designed this class with his mother in mind, so she can continue to enjoy an active lifestyle. The focus is on developing core and lower body strength, beginning with a functional warm-up to wake up and mobilize your body before moving into glute bridges, banded toe-taps, and lunges. This ...

  • Balance Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (13 Mins)

    Balance is a key component of how you move. Training your balance helps improve your posture and the quality of your movements while preventing falls and injuries. As we grow older, we can lose balance function; Adrian has developed this class to help counteract this.

    You will begin by rolling o...

  • Knee Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (15 Mins)

    Your knees carry you through your life. They help to support your weight with every step you take. In this class, Adrian takes you through a range of lower body exercises to increase strength, stability, and range of motion. These exercises can help prevent injuries and osteoarthritis in and arou...

  • Wrist Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (10 Mins)

    Our wrists take the burden in many everyday movements we do – typing on keyboards, scrolling on phones, and carrying grocery bags – before we even try to add a push up or lift weights.

    In this class, Adrian encourages you to take care of your wrists and focus on joint health with a range of mob...

  • Shoulder Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (10 Mins)

    When our shoulders are not strong and healthy, everyday movements, such as picking up our keys, washing our hair, or putting away laundry, can be a source of pain. In this class, Adrian introduces you with a series of exercises to help develop and maintain the necessary strength, range of motion,...

  • Get Ready with Adrian | Full Body Functional Movement Class (9 Mins)

    Adrian designed this class to prepare you for movement. This is your go-to class to take before a game of tennis, hike, a round of golf, or any activity where you will be challenging yourself. Adrian will guide you through a series of ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder mobility drills, work on your b...

  • How to Use Strength Foundations with Adrian Gaskin

    In this introduction video, How to Use Strength Foundations, Adrian will prepare you for the world of strength training. He guides you through the tools you need to start, going through each of the equipment pieces you can incorporate into your practice: a pair of dumbbells and a looped resistanc...

  • On Movement with Adrian Gaskin | A Passion for Strength at Every Age (6 Mins)

    NM Teacher Adrian Gaskin looks back on how an active, carefree childhood growing up in a small seaside community in New Zealand led to him discovering his passion for personal training and movement science. He shares his purpose of helping clients rediscover the basics of movement that makes up e...

  • The Challenge with Adrian | Functional HIIT Class (24 Mins)

    Join Adrian for a fun and exciting workout designed to challenge your fitness levels and increase your confidence. You will start with a functional warm up to prepare your body, moving through the march and hold, rotational lunge and reach, squat and reach, and a footwork drill.

    Your HIIT sequen...

  • Mornings with Adrian | Stretching, Proprioception & Coordination Class (6 Mins)

    Get your body warm and ready for the day with this 6 minute morning movement practice with Adrian. You’ll move through a sequence of stretches and exercises to wake up large muscle groups and joints and connect your mind to your body. Adrian will guide you through a lower leg stretch and an energ...

  • Middays with Adrian | Strength Reset Class for the Hips & Glutes (6 Mins)

    In this 5-minute Midday practice with Adrian, take some time to revive your body and mind, especially after spending a long stretch of time in a seated posture. Adrian will guide you through two movements, finding depth and space in each position. Start with a stable and strong Half Kneeling Hip ...

  • Evenings with Adrian | Restorative Foam Rolling Class (8 Mins)

    Wind down at the end of your day with this rejuvenating 8-minute movement practice with Adrian. This practice focuses on loosening and restoring your connective tissue and large muscle groups with trigger point exercises using a foam roller. Work through each movement from the lower body moving u...

  • Physical Education with Adrian Gaskin | Interview Series (7 Mins)

    Elite personal trainer Adrian Gaskin coaches retired grandmother Patti Nixon through functional and strength-based movements. They talk about the inspiration and motivation behind having a movement practice, of passing on a good example to her grandkids, and how movement has helped her cope with ...

  • 3D Focus with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (22 Mins)

    Connect to your body today in this dynamic strength practice! After an intentional Warm Up, activate muscle groups in every region of your body during this high-intensity power practice and engaging intervals with elite trainer Adrian Gaskin. These agility and strength exercises will challenge yo...

  • Loaded Movement with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (22 Mins)

    Prepare your body with a series of intentional mobility exercises before jumping into a high intensity movement flow with Adrian. Discover how your body is designed to move with powerful intervals of Agility and full body exercises, building a foundation for strength and endurance across the diff...

  • Physical Education with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (22 Mins)

    This practice with elite trainer Adrian Gaskin combines four different areas of functional strength training with purposeful movement and breath. After a guided Warm Up sequence to wake up your body, find your focus and engage in a series of Lower-Body, Upper-Body, and Core intervals, using your ...

  • Powered On with Adrian | Functional Strength Class (22 Mins)

    Go all out with this full-body strength workout with elite trainer Adrian Gaskin. This practice combines smooth and dynamic agility drills with Lower-Body, Upper-Body, and Core focused movements. Powered On will build muscle groups across your entire body, and train your body to move with purpose...

  • Strength Patterns with Adrian | Foundational Strength Class (22 Mins)

    After a mobility sequence to tune into your body, get ready to move with confidence and stability through three dynamic intervals, resting intentionally between each. Challenge yourself to focus on quality and control with each agility and foundational strength exercise, allowing your body to mov...

  • Warm Up with Adrian | Functional Movement Class (4 Mins)

    Adrian's functional warm up class helps prepare your body to move well throughout your day or any upcoming workout. He begins by getting your heart rate up with running components before moving into three-dimensional stretching and a walk-out flow to engage and activate your body to move safely, ...