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Bedtime Tuck with Amanda | Restorative Stretch Class (14 Mins)

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Happy Feet with Lydia | Lower Leg Mobility Class (21 Mins)

Season 3 • 21m

Up Next in Season 3

  • Bedtime Tuck with Amanda | Restorativ...

    This class will prepare you for a good night's sleep. You can even do it from bed – all you need is a pillow and comfy clothing. Follow Amanda through a series of restorative hip openers, forward folds, and twists, all using your pillow as a restorative prop. Gentle movements, long holds, and cal...

  • Chair Mobility Flow with Sylvia | Ene...

    Free your upper body with this energizing stretch class. Follow Sylvia through an accessible mobility flow from the comfort of your chair. This class is about creating length through your spine and increasing your mobility and flexibility. Press play and sync your playlist through the Spotify lin...

  • Your Turn | Take Your First Athletic ...

    Your Turn is a new series featuring community members taking a turn at a new form of movement. These classes are a follow-along format and are designed to be beginner friendly. If you've ever wanted to try HIIT, kickboxing, or dance but are unsure where to start or if this type of movement is for...