Mornings with Keighty | Energizing Mobility & Stability Class (6 Mins)
Movement for Musicians
6m 3s
Gently wake up your body with Keighty, set an intention for how you want to feel today, and move through a series of mobility, rotation, and stability moves incorporating Cat/Cow, Hamstring Arm Swings, Back Lunge Rotation to Knee Raises, Rotational Energy Squats, and Plank Marches.
Up Next in Movement for Musicians
NEW | Shoulders That Last with Lydia ...
Release tension in your shoulders by stretching and strengthening them gently with Lydia. The movements you perform in this class will help to restore your posture by activating your upper back and loosening your chest, leaving you feeling more upright and ready to perform activities more efficie...
Movement Foundations Cool Down | Rest...
Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. Unwind and transition back into your day with this Level 1 Cool Down, and enjoy strength and creativity you found in your practice.
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