Movement for Musicians

Movement for Musicians

This collection is designed with musicians in mind and focuses on addressing areas of tension and creating new strength and form. You'll find classes for your wrists, neck, shoulders, hips, and knees, as well as other classes to target focus, core and breathwork, and creativity. Find classes to move to in just a few minutes to get your blood flowing and increase mobility, before a practice, in the morning to increase your energy, or after a performance to restore your body.

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Movement for Musicians
  • Melty Hips with Lydia | Hip Opening Yoga Class (16 Mins)

    Lydia leads you through a playful class designed to melt tension in your hips and leave you feeling better in your body. Move through a series of strengthening poses including Skandasana (a version of Side Squat) and Warrior, find release with a variety of forward folds and twists, and finish wit...

  • Middays with Adrian | Strength Reset Class for the Hips & Glutes (6 Mins)

    In this 5-minute Midday practice with Adrian, take some time to revive your body and mind, especially after spending a long stretch of time in a seated posture. Adrian will guide you through two movements, finding depth and space in each position. Start with a stable and strong Half Kneeling Hip ...

  • Unstick with Lydia | Gentle Yoga Class (12 Mins)

    This short and sweet class is perfect for when you need to take a desk job break. Our desk can be a physical desk, our phones, our car, or anywhere we are in a slightly slumped position that can leave us feeling stuck. Lydia guides you through a gentle sequence of stretches for your shoulders, w...

  • Upper Body Freedom with Trilby | Movement Class (12 Mins)

    Join Trilby for a Pilates-inspired movement class to find freedom and strength in your upper body. This sequence will build your core connection, develop an awareness of the muscles that support your back and shoulders, and increase your mobility. These juicy and effective movements will light up...

  • Knee Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (15 Mins)

    Your knees carry you through your life. They help to support your weight with every step you take. In this class, Adrian takes you through a range of lower body exercises to increase strength, stability, and range of motion. These exercises can help prevent injuries and osteoarthritis in and arou...

  • Firebird with Kate | Dynamic Hip Opening Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    Firebird puts an emphasis on increasing flexibility in the spine and hips. Kate leads you through a powerful sequence incorporating hero, swan, and firebird pose. If you find any pose challenging on your knees or hips, you can always modify by placing a blanket or block underneath you or replacin...

  • Strengthen & Surrender with Erica | Hip & Hamstring-focused Yoga Class (22 mins)

    This moving meditation leads you through a series of postures that will strengthen the hips and hamstrings. Find balance between ease and effort while bringing a sense of curiosity to your experience of each posture. This class is Episode 401 of our Namaste Yoga series.

  • Seated Twist with Kate | Hip Opening Restorative Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    Seated Twist is a rejuvenating and restorative floor sequence. You will flow through poses to open your hips and upper chest to prepare you for Seated Twist. Let your breath lead your practice and find release in restoring yourself today. This is episode 206 of Namaste Yoga.

  • Core Connection with Trilby | Core-Focused Class (13 Mins)

    Learn the basics of core work with Trilby in this Pilates-inspired class. You will stay connected to the ground to feel support as you turn on the circuit breaker that is your core. Move through variations of curls, bicycles, and v-sits that blend effort and grace. Each move builds slowly, allowi...

  • Swan with Kate | Hip Opening Yoga Class (24 Mins)

    This class is about moving between strength and softness. Kate incorporates variations on Swan Pose, a deep hip opener, that will leave you feeling open and grounded. This class is Episode 208 of our Namaste Yoga series.

  • Bedtime Tuck with Amanda | Restorative Stretch Class (14 Mins)

    This class will prepare you for a good night's sleep. You can even do it from bed – all you need is a pillow and comfy clothing. Follow Amanda through a series of restorative hip openers, forward folds, and twists, all using your pillow as a restorative prop. Gentle movements, long holds, and cal...

  • Mellow Moves with Lydia | Self-Massage Yoga Class (30 Mins)

    Join Lydia in a gentle yoga class designed to help when you’re feeling sore or tired. This 30-minute practice focuses on your low back, hips, neck, pecs and lats to release tension in your upper body.

    Practice anytime during the day, or add it to your pre-bedtime routine to finish your day rest...

  • Evenings with Leo | Restorative Adaptive Stretch Class (9 Mins)

    Leo designed this adaptive stretch class to restore and refresh you especially if you have been sitting all day. Move through a series of groin, hip, and shoulder stretches and restorative spinal mobility poses. Leo uses his wheelchair and a foam pad as props during the class, but the exercises c...

  • NEW | Release Your Hips & Glutes with Lydia | Gentle Stretch Class (26 Mins)

    Join Lydia for a mellow class to release tension from your hips and glutes. You will stay low to the ground and move slowly through a series of restorative stretches. Let yourself unfold into a sense of relaxation. Lydia provides comfort modifications and encourages you to go as deep as you need...

  • Cool Down with Keighty | Hips & Glutes Release Class (3 Mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. This full body Cool Down will focus on flexibility movements to loosen up large muscle groups, gradually relax, and slow your heart r...

  • NEW | Restorative Hits with Lydia | Gentle Yoga Class (40 Mins)

    Release tension in your body and mind with this restorative class. With the use of deep restorative (Yin-style) poses, Lydia leads you in a healthy full-body sequence to come back to in the moments you feel sore, tired, or overwhelmed. This class includes foundational Yin shapes that will help to...

  • Get Ready with Adrian | Full Body Functional Movement Class (9 Mins)

    Adrian designed this class to prepare you for movement. This is your go-to class to take before a game of tennis, hike, a round of golf, or any activity where you will be challenging yourself. Adrian will guide you through a series of ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder mobility drills, work on your b...

  • Core Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Improve Your Core Stability (6 Mins)

    In this 6-minute foundational workshop, learn how to improve your core stability with Adrian. You’ll learn about the structure and function of your core and how it affects how you move in the world, then practice the Bird Dog and Dead Bug exercises from the Strength Foundations program with Adria...

  • Hips Don’t Lie | Hip-focused Belly Dancing Class (23 Mins)

    One of the core components of belly dancing is incorporating beautiful hip movements. This class breaks down two classic hip isolations, the hip piston and the hip pop. You will also learn the 1, 2, 3, hop and a classic upper body move, snake arms. Take time for your body to integrate these isola...

  • Air Practice with Kate | Build Hip & Hamstring Flexibility (13 Mins)

    Working with a slow and calming breath, Kate takes you through a series of poses with a focus on staying close to the ground. This grounding yoga class, designed to increase your hip and hamstring flexibility, will leave you feeling centered and refreshed.

  • Mornings with Dom | Neck Mobility & Athletic Core Class (12 Mins)

    Dom starts this practice by guiding you through a series of neck mobility exercises designed to increase your range of motion, strength, posture, and alleviate tension. Next is a series of athletic core moves, Kneeling Hip Striders, Stationary High Knees, Eccentric Crunch Twists, Single Arm Front...

  • Sit Foundations Class with Kate (4 Mins)

    Knowing how to sit properly is vital to our overall health and wellbeing. This is a very important pose that you can (and should) practice anywhere. It’s a hip opener that’s great for the spine and has a long list of benefits. Good posture will help with lower back pain, prevent headaches, increa...

  • The Bee's Knees with Lydia | Knee-focused Yoga Class (35 Mins)

    Join Lydia for a mellow floor practice that targets weakness and tightness above and below your knee joint. This soothing class will work on your ankles, hips, hamstrings, and quads, while lengthening and strengthening the back and front of your legs.

    The Bee’s Knees incorporates a bolster in a ...

  • Evenings with Kate | Restorative Weighted Yoga Class (6 Mins)

    Move with Kate through this 5-minute evening practice to soften and restore your muscles and your mind at the end of your day. This floor practice will use one weight to deepen each pose, allowing you to feel calm and grounded. Breath intentionally through each movement, starting from your back a...