Movement for Hips

Movement for Hips

This class collection focuses on hip mobility and flexibility, working to improve your movements of daily life such as walking, sitting, and lifting! Hip pain and tension can be very common due to activities like desk work, driving and commuting, or hobbies like painting, reading, hiking, or kickboxing. Develop strength in large muscle groups surrounding your hips, low back, and lower body will create flexibility and freedom of movement and manage pain and tension. You'll find both low impact, strength building workouts, and restorative, short classes or exercises to practice on a lunch break or before bed.

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Movement for Hips
  • Hamstring Flexibility with Amanda | Restorative Yoga Class (11 Mins)

    Hamstring tightness is one of the most common problems that students face when beginning a yoga practice. This restorative practice focuses on opening the hamstrings with slow and conscious movements. Bring gentle awareness to the tightness in the backs of the legs, releasing tension with each br...

  • Twist with Amanda | Yoga Foundations Class (4 Mins)

    Twists introduce a new way of moving the spine, not just through a forward bend / backbend, but side to side. They are great for spinal health and can be very calming for the nervous system.

  • Get Balanced with Keighty | Strength Foundations Class (22 Mins)

    This class with personal trainer Keighty will focus on bringing balance to your muscles and joints. After a guided mobility sequence to wake up your body, focus in and engage in a series of back exercises and lateral movements. Finish off with intention with a flexibility Cool Down to take advant...

  • Learn Sleepovers with Keighty (2 Mins)

    This gentle mobility exercise will provide relief to your upper spine, chest, and shoulders. Use this move to connect to your breath and relax into each stretch. To begin a Sleepover, lay on your side with your head resting on the floor. Bend your top leg at 90 degrees to bring your knee towards ...

  • Movement Foundations Cool Down | Level 2

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. Unwind and transition back into your day with this Level 2 Cool Down, and enjoy strength and creativity you found in your practice.

  • Cool Down with Dom | Athletic Mobility Class (3 Mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice brings your body back into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury. This 5-minute full body Cool Down incorporates some of the athletic movements you learned, along with lower intensity exercises, and slows down the pace to help ease your body back ...

  • NEW | Pelvic Floor Recovery with Amanda | Therapeutic Core Class (4 Mins)

    Restoring strength and stability through the pelvic floor is a critical part of core recovery. Having a healthy pelvic floor is beneficial for everyone at every stage of life! In this class, Amanda guides you through three key exercises to help build the strength and endurance of your pelvic floo...

  • NEW | Restorative Hits with Lydia | Gentle Yoga Class (40 Mins)

    Release tension in your body and mind with this restorative class. With the use of deep restorative (Yin-style) poses, Lydia leads you in a healthy full-body sequence to come back to in the moments you feel sore, tired, or overwhelmed. This class includes foundational Yin shapes that will help to...

  • Core Workshop with Adrian | Learn How to Improve Your Core Stability (6 Mins)

    In this 6-minute foundational workshop, learn how to improve your core stability with Adrian. You’ll learn about the structure and function of your core and how it affects how you move in the world, then practice the Bird Dog and Dead Bug exercises from the Strength Foundations program with Adria...

  • Learn Bent Over Row with Adrian (3 Mins)

    As you stand, reach your arms straight out in front of you as if in the top of a Push Up with your hands in fists. Initiating with your shoulders, draw your elbows into the side of your body angled approximately 45 degrees out. Feel your shoulder blades come together without pulling your elbows b...

  • Movement Foundations Cool Down | Restorative Stretch Class Level 1 (5 mins)

    Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. Unwind and transition back into your day with this Level 1 Cool Down, and enjoy strength and creativity you found in your practice.

  • Athletic Recovery with Dom | Foam Rolling & Stretch Class (18 Mins)

    For Dom, a balanced workout routine is key to longevity as an athlete. In this class, he shares the exercises he uses to bring his body back into alignment. Dom guides you through a full body foam rolling sequence designed to get into tight areas, release tension, and soothe sore muscles. You wil...

  • Middays with Adrian | Strength Reset Class for the Hips & Glutes (6 Mins)

    In this 5-minute Midday practice with Adrian, take some time to revive your body and mind, especially after spending a long stretch of time in a seated posture. Adrian will guide you through two movements, finding depth and space in each position. Start with a stable and strong Half Kneeling Hip ...

  • Middays with Dom | Dynamic Athletic Conditioning Class (8 Mins)

    A midday break to get your flow on, Dom takes you through a full body workout incorporating hip circles, double lunges, inchworm push ups, prone trunk rotations, fire feet, and side plank. This class is all about finding your athletic form, an athlete moves with precision, and works on improving ...

  • Middays with Kate | Strength-Building Weighted Yoga Class (6 Mins)

    In this 6-minute movement practice, Kate guides you through several movements to refresh your body and loosen up your muscles and joints. Using a single weight, move through each standing posture to lengthen and create stability in your body before finishing with a deep crouch pose. Move intentio...

  • Middays with Farinaz | Energizing Kickboxing Cardio Class (4 Mins)

    Farinaz leads you through a quick class that packs a punch. You will move through a shoulder roll release, a lunge and kick combination, and finish with a skipping conditioning drill to get your blood flowing and feeling energized.

    Suggested but not necessary equipment: Skipping rope.

  • Evenings with Leo | Restorative Adaptive Stretch Class (9 Mins)

    Leo designed this adaptive stretch class to restore and refresh you especially if you have been sitting all day. Move through a series of groin, hip, and shoulder stretches and restorative spinal mobility poses. Leo uses his wheelchair and a foam pad as props during the class, but the exercises c...

  • Evenings with Farinaz | Conditioning & Core Strength Class (5 Mins)

    Farinaz takes you through a conditioning practice to finish your day with a sense of accomplishment, leading you through Sumo Squats, Plank Pikes, and Russian V Sits.

  • Evenings with Rob | Boxing Conditioning & Mobility Class (6 Mins)

    Rob guides you through a short training session to work on your conditioning and mobility. Beginning with a move you might expect from boxing training, skipping (don't worry if you don't have a rope), before moving on to some moves you might not associate with a boxer; Bird Dog, Prone Extensions,...

  • Evenings with Kate | Restorative Weighted Yoga Class (6 Mins)

    Move with Kate through this 5-minute evening practice to soften and restore your muscles and your mind at the end of your day. This floor practice will use one weight to deepen each pose, allowing you to feel calm and grounded. Breath intentionally through each movement, starting from your back a...

  • Evenings with Dom | Athletic Mobility & Core Class (11 Mins)

    A relaxing mobility and core-focused class to wind down your evening, Dom leads you through Warrior Pose, Standing Knee Raise, Squat and Reach, Side Plank Dips, the Patrick Step, Calf Raises, Ankle Stretches, Dead Bugs, and finishing with a restorative rest pose. Make sure you are near a wall for...

  • Hip Rotations

    Start standing with your feet just over shoulder width apart, locking your knees and placing your hands on your hips. Move your upper body from left to right in this position. To begin your Hip Rotation, move your hips to the left, bending forward at the waist and keeping your back straight. Swiv...

  • Lunge and Reach

    The Lunge and Reach is a great combination move that will activate your core, dynamically stretch your hip flexors, and mobilize your spine. Walk forward into your tall plank and step one foot to the outside of your hand, making sure your knee is aligned above the ankle. Ground down through your ...