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Hip Activation with Dom | Hip-focused Mobility Class (11 Mins)

Fitness For Your 50's and Beyond • 11m

Up Next in Fitness For Your 50's and Beyond

  • Evenings with Adrian | Restorative Fo...

    Wind down at the end of your day with this rejuvenating 8-minute movement practice with Adrian. This practice focuses on loosening and restoring your connective tissue and large muscle groups with trigger point exercises using a foam roller. Work through each movement from the lower body moving u...

  • Sit with Amanda | Meditation & Breath...

    This short practice will get you comfortable sitting and breathing intentionally. It’s a practice of being present. Remember — when we still the breath, we still the mind. Feel tension releasing from the top of your head to the tips of your toes as you finish this practice in Savasana, our consci...

  • NEW | Slow Flow with Lydia | Full Bod...

    Join Lydia in a 33-minute yoga session that’s gentle and slow –– a great addition to your daily routine. Get into a smooth flow as you move through a full-body sequence to help you unwind and relax. Practice these movements before bed to nurture your body, deepen your awareness, and gather your a...