Get Stable Practice with Keighty Gallagher
NEW | Cardio Essentials
This one’s all about Lower Body work! Activate your legs and glutes with a high intensity AMRAP sequence before the strength and stability finisher. These Lower Body Foundations and Compound exercises will challenge and engage large muscle groups and energize your full body. Get Stable will lead you through two intervals of five movements to build strength: Marching Band, Banded Donkey Kicks, Dead Lunges, Side Lunges, and Single Legged Dead Lifts. Give it your best today! Suggested equipment: a looped resistance band.
Up Next in NEW | Cardio Essentials
Mornings with Farinaz | Short & Dynam...
Wake up your inner warrior with Farinaz Lari in this short practice incorporating dynamic stretches and shadow boxing, leaving you ready to take on your day. Even two minutes of movement can leave you feeling powerful and grounded.
Middays with Farinaz | Energizing Kic...
Farinaz leads you through a quick class that packs a punch. You will move through a shoulder roll release, a lunge and kick combination, and finish with a skipping conditioning drill to get your blood flowing and feeling energized.
Suggested but not necessary equipment: Skipping rope.
Strength Patterns with Adrian | Found...
After a mobility sequence to tune into your body, get ready to move with confidence and stability through three dynamic intervals, resting intentionally between each. Challenge yourself to focus on quality and control with each agility and foundational strength exercise, allowing your body to mov...