Learn Movement Foundations in 7 Days (Level 1)
7 Seasons
Level 1 teaches you the playful and creative movements at their most foundational level. Access daily classes through the dropdown menu and keep on track with the downloadable training plan PDF.
Express Functional Movement Class with Amanda | Level 1 (5 Mins)
Episode 1
Amanda guides you through an intentional series of full-body movements designed to help you move better in your daily life. You will fluidly move through spinal rolls, twisting, a core warm up, glute work, wrist and chest stretches, and finish with your expression of playful animal movements.
Learn Frog with Slava | Level 1 (1 Mins)
Episode 2
Frog is the first of four “animal-based locomotion exercises” - which simply means we imitate how animals move. These movements will likely feel familiar to you: as children, we often flow through these types of motions naturally while we play. Frog is a great way to get comfortable moving with y...
Learn Martial Arts Kick with Slava | Level 1
Episode 3
Martial Arts Kick has never been our favourite movement, but that’s exactly why it’s in this program. With our yoga background, we’ve taught our bodies to move slowly with control through an impressive yet passive range of flexibility. The Martial Arts Kick is all about explosive power and active...
Learn Shoulder Roll with Slava | Level 1 (1 Min)
Episode 4
The Shoulder Roll may look a little intimidating at first, but it’s actually quite safe when learned and practiced correctly and responsibly. It’s critical that you take your time with this movement. The Shoulder Roll is an uncommon way of moving from laying down to kneeling position. By practici...
Movement Foundations Cool Down | Restorative Stretch Class Level 1 (5 mins)
Episode 5
Incorporating a Cool Down practice transitions your body into a state of rest and reduces the likelihood of injury as you recover and resume your daily activities. Unwind and transition back into your day with this Level 1 Cool Down, and enjoy strength and creativity you found in your practice.
PROGRAM GUIDE | Movement Foundations
6.14 MB
The Movement Foundations program guide was designed to give you a visual reference of each movement through high-quality photographs and descriptions, and includes Words from Slava, 7-Day and 14-Day Training Plans, and more. The guide is perfect if you are on the go and want something to referenc...
159 KB