Knee Drive
2m 44s
The Knee Drive is an Agility variation of the Reverse Lunge. Start in a staggered stance with one foot stepped back. Sink into the crease of your front hip, placing the majority of your weight forward. Pushing into your front foot, release your rear foot off the ground to bring your knee up to your chest. As you drive your knee up, use your opposite arm to come forward with momentum. Your other arm will move behind, similar to a walking or running motion. Pause as you land in your standing position, then alternate your staggered stance. With your opposite knee forward, bring the rear knee up with power to bound upwards off your front foot. Lift off the ground with power, maintaining your form, then land softly. Your back should stay strong and neutral throughout. Explode off the ground with each drive, getting power from your front lead through your core. To modify: Simply raise your knee up towards your chest without the finishing vertical bound.
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