Mornings with Adrian | Stretching, Proprioception & Coordination Class (6 Mins)
Season 1
6m 34s
Get your body warm and ready for the day with this 6 minute morning movement practice with Adrian. You’ll move through a sequence of stretches and exercises to wake up large muscle groups and joints and connect your mind to your body. Adrian will guide you through a lower leg stretch and an energizing “Rub and Scrub” technique before incorporating upper body movements and closing with a strong 3D Stretch. Through each exercise, focus on opening, lengthening, and becoming mindful of how you plan to move through the day ahead.
Up Next in Season 1
Middays with Adrian | Strength Reset ...
In this 5-minute Midday practice with Adrian, take some time to revive your body and mind, especially after spending a long stretch of time in a seated posture. Adrian will guide you through two movements, finding depth and space in each position. Start with a stable and strong Half Kneeling Hip ...
Evenings with Adrian | Restorative Fo...
Wind down at the end of your day with this rejuvenating 8-minute movement practice with Adrian. This practice focuses on loosening and restoring your connective tissue and large muscle groups with trigger point exercises using a foam roller. Work through each movement from the lower body moving u...
How to Use Strength Foundations with ...
In this introduction video, How to Use Strength Foundations, Adrian will prepare you for the world of strength training. He guides you through the tools you need to start, going through each of the equipment pieces you can incorporate into your practice: a pair of dumbbells and a looped resistanc...