Release and Restore is a sequence that brings you full circle through a series of poses that release tension in your spine and hips, creating space for reflection. You will move through spinal rolls, gentle cobra pose variations, spinal twists, and bridge pose. This class encourages you to access your breath to find a sense of calm as you flow. This is episode 304 of Namaste Yoga.
Up Next in Season 3
Create Your Calm with Erica | Groundi...
Erica invites you to cultivate a sense of peace and stability with the Create Your Calm sequence. You will strengthen your core and open your hips, hamstrings, and upper body. This class features creative transitions through gate, eagle, lizard, and locust pose amongst others. Always feel free t...
Reflect and Connect with Erica | Full...
Reflect and Connect will engage your whole body with a series of poses that first calm and centre, and then awaken and inspire. You'll move through variations of cat/cow, bird dog, sphinx and locust pose before relaxing in a series of forward bends to leave you feeling grounded. This is episode 3...
Balance and Bend with Erica | Balance...
In this class, Erica guides you through movements that require grounding and fluidity. You will feel strength in mountain, chair, side angle, and warrior pose. These will prepare you to move through the challenging transition from extended leg to warrior and the graceful eagle pose. Stand tall a...