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NEW | Release Your Hips & Glutes with Lydia | Gentle Stretch Class (26 M...

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Chair Mobility Flow with Sylvia | Energizing Stretch Class (17 Mins)

Movement for Stress Release • 17m

Up Next in Movement for Stress Release

  • NEW | Release Your Hips & Glutes with...

    Join Lydia for a mellow class to release tension from your hips and glutes. You will stay low to the ground and move slowly through a series of restorative stretches. Let yourself unfold into a sense of relaxation. Lydia provides comfort modifications and encourages you to go as deep as you need...

  • 2-Minute Strength with Farinaz | Lowe...

    Take a movement break and feel the difference in your day! Farinaz leads you through her essential moves for feeling strong and powerful: good morning and squat. These moves will light up your lower body, engage your core, and give you a burst of energy. Your phone, tasks, or chores can wait for ...

  • Neck & Shoulders Release with Lydia |...

    Find release for neck and shoulder tension with this restorative class. Lydia will guide you through a gentle neck stretch and self massage before moving into variations of eagle arms and child pose to find ease in your shoulders. You will finish with a full-body stretch that lets gravity release...