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Balance Checkup with Adrian | Everyday Mobility Class (13 Mins)

NEW | Creativity Essentials • 12m

Up Next in NEW | Creativity Essentials

  • Mornings with Keighty | Energizing Mo...

    Gently wake up your body with Keighty, set an intention for how you want to feel today, and move through a series of mobility, rotation, and stability moves incorporating Cat/Cow, Hamstring Arm Swings, Back Lunge Rotation to Knee Raises, Rotational Energy Squats, and Plank Marches.

  • Release | Center Splits Stretch Class...

    Maddi from Formation Studio guides you through a dancer's stretch routine to lead you into center splits, also known as middle or straddle splits. This is an all-levels routine designed to be repeated. The goal is not to be as flexible as Maddi, it is to work on your flexibility and challenge you...

  • Learn Frog with Slava | Level 1 (1 Mins)

    Frog is the first of four “animal-based locomotion exercises” - which simply means we imitate how animals move. These movements will likely feel familiar to you: as children, we often flow through these types of motions naturally while we play. Frog is a great way to get comfortable moving with y...