Wrestling with Destiny: The Life and Times of Daniel Igali
"Wrestling with Destiny," a one hour television documentary, tells the fascinating story of how wrestler Daniel Igali achieved his life-long dream of winning Olympic gold, and reveals his complex, intriguing character - both on and off the mat. Igali, one of the world's top freestyle wrestlers, is currently preparing for the upcoming 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. The unforgettable image of him kneeling down and kissing the Canadian flag after his gold medal match at the 2000 Sydney Olympics has become an icon in our sports history. Not a typical wrestling champion, Igali balances his explosive style on the mat with intelligence, sensitivity, and charisma. A graduate student at Simon Fraser University, he is also an esteemed motivational speaker, community leader, and advocate for amateur sport. Nothing has ever come easily for Igali, who grew up in a remote Nigerian village amid poverty and disease. However, raised in the traditions of the Ijaw tribe, his early life was filled with spiritual richness. In Ijaw culture, wrestling is revered as a sport of near-religious importance. Ritualistic "talking drums" are used to coach and inspire wrestlers as they vie for honor and prestige. Today, as he nears the end of his wrestling career, Igali hopes to respond to the ancient drumbeat once again at the Olympics, and to proudly carry the Canadian flag after winning another gold medal.