Classes by Farinaz Lari

Classes by Farinaz Lari

Farinaz Lari is a dedicated athlete and motivational coach. Farinaz’s competitive spirit and tireless passion became the foundation for a lifelong kickboxing career, fuelling her to become the first Iranian and Canadian woman to win the WAKO world kickboxing championship, teach kickboxing internationally, and become a Personal Trainer. She now leads the charge as a motivational speaker and mentor for women in sport, embracing a strong yet humble voice to empower every individual to start wherever they are.

Farinaz will take you through Kickboxing lessons and techniques based on the moves that she trains with every day, teaching you how to get the most out of every practice. Through each move you will build discipline, increase your confidence, and find encouragement to tap into your inner champion.

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Classes by Farinaz Lari
  • Learn Squat and Knee with Farinaz (1 Min)

    Start by standing with your feet hip width apart before pulling down into a squat, sending your hips back. Your knees should remain aligned above your ankles. Keep your fists engaged in a kickboxing guard position. Stabilize in your squat, not lowering below 90 degrees, then return to standing wi...

  • Learn Lunge & Knee with Farinaz (2 Mins)

    The Lunge and Knee will build strength in your legs and increase your ability to strike high and hard. From standing, step one leg back into a low lunge. Keep your lead knee stacked above your ankle, and your hands in guard position. Return to standing, then raise up on the ball of the same lead ...

  • Plank Walk and Shoulder Touch

    This move will increase shoulder, core, and arm strength and stability in your kickboxing practice. Lower yourself into a high plank position, activating your core and keeping your hips locked and level. Maintaining your plank form, lower from your hands onto your forearms one at a time. Raise up...

  • Push Up and Reach

    This move will simulate an effective kickboxing guard and powerful arm strikes. Start in a high plank position with your feet together or hip width apart. Keep your shoulders stacked above your hands, and begin to lower yourself with control to the bottom of your Push Up. Make sure you keep your ...

  • Introduction to Core

    Core strength is fundamental to developing a kickboxing practice, grounding each technique with strength and control. Practicing these core exercises will also increase your ability to connect complex combinations and flow through movements smoothly and effectively. A strong core is essential for...

  • Jack Knives

    Start by laying on your back, legs straight out in front of you, guard up, and core engaged. Lift your upper body off the floor, at the same time raising your legs; your goal is a V shaped form. When you’re ready, punch out with both arms towards your toes. Release to your starting position, keep...

  • Russian Twists

    Sit with your back straight, knees bent towards your chest. From here, lean back slightly, engaging your core. Bring your legs together and lift your feet off the floor. Your hands should be together in front of your stomach, sticking your elbows out to the side. Now, twist with control from one ...

  • Sit Up and Punch

    Lay on your back with your feet planted on the floor, knees bent. Keeping your core tight and back straight, sit up to a 45 degree angle; coming up too high or too low will disengage your muscles before adding the punch. Throw out a Jab and Cross combination at the top of your Sit Up, remembering...

  • Learn Skipping with Farinaz (2 Mins)

    In kickboxing, Skipping is the most common way to get warm and prepare your body to move. A Skipping sequence will increase your coordination, footwork, and endurance. Good form is essential to get the most out of this exercise!

  • PROGRAM GUIDE | Kickoxing Foundations with Farinaz Lari

    12.4 MB

    The Kickboxing Foundations program guide assists you in learning the movements and outlines what to expect from this class. The downloadable guide was designed to give you a visual reference of each movement through high-quality photographs and descriptions that break down the benefits, modificat...

  • Kickboxing-Foundations-7-Day-Training-Plan.pdf

    164 KB